Anne-Marie Turcotte

inspire change

Le socle de mon activité est ancré dans le développement de compétences relationnelles, en leadership, dans la gestion du changement, et dans la résilience et le bien-être au travail. Passionnée par l’accompagnement de comités de direction, de cadres, de managers et d’équipes, j’aide les individus et les groupes à étayer leur potentiel et à transformer leur contexte professionnel en Suisse et au niveau international.

Anne-Marie Turcotte

My mission is to work with teams and individuals to help them unlock their potential, create opportunities for development, collaborate effectively, and ultimately improve efficiency. For over two decades, I have fostered excellence and integrity in leadership, change management and in promoting relationships that build resilience and well-being in the workplace.

  • Design and delivery of virtual and face-to-face trainings, workshops and webinars related to a broad range of topics in the areas of relationship management, change management, leadership and management, resilience and well-being and career transition.
  • Delivery in both English and French worldwide.
  • Countries I have worked in include: Canada, France, Switzerland, Mexico, UK, Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Israel, West Africa (delivery in Dakar for participants from Cameroun, Burkina Fasso, Mali, Niger, Guinée, Sénégal), South Africa, India, Singap
  • Design and delivery of virtual and face-to-face trainings and workshops on the essentials of management, on managing managers and on managing teams.
  • Individual coaching of executives, experienced and new managers.
  • Design and delivery of virtual and face-to-face trainings and workshops on the effective implementation of change.
  • Work with organizations on developing and implementing change management strategies to lessen resistance.
  • Coach managers and teams for the effective implementation of change processes.
  • Design and delivery of workshops for employees on building resilience to change.
  • Delivery of virtual and face-to-face workshops on building psychological safety, developing resilience and enhancing well-being in the workplace.
  • Webinars on developing individual resilience and well-being.
  • Team coaching to strengthen relationships, enhance team cohesion and collaboration and resolve conflict to enable teams to perform at their best.
  • Individual coaching of executives, managers and employees.
  • Relationship coaching to resolve personal and professional conflicts.
  • Individual coaching in career transition within the same organization or into a new organization.
  • Skills assessment to reflect on career development.  
  • Particular focus is given to assessing personal aspirations and priorities, the effective management of work-life balance and wellbeing to make a positive change.



Who I am

Mon éducation

Mon expérience

Conseillère auprès de hauts fonctionnaires et de cabinets de ministres canadiens et français, diplomate et gestionnaire de projets internationaux au Canada, au Mexique et en France. J’ai participé à la négociation d’ententes bilatérales et multilatérales, géré des équipes interculturelles et navigué à l’intérieur d’organisations complexes pour établir des partenariats basés sur la confiance afin d’assurer la réussite des projets et des programmes.

En tant que facilitatrice, j’ai développé et animé des formations, des World Café, des forums and des ateliers en Suisse et à l’étranger. J’ai accompagné des entreprises, des équipes et des individus dans la réalisation de changements importants, et coaché des comités de direction, des équipes, des cadres, des managers et des collaborateurs.rices.

Originaire du Canada, de nationalité française et suisse, je vis à Lausanne depuis 2008.


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