Certifications and Accreditations
Outils psychométriques et d'évaluation
Certifications supplémentaires
Certifications and Accreditations
- Systemic Team Coaching, Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC), UK
- Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership, Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institut (SIYLI), UK
- Workplace and Mediator Skills Training, Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), U
- Influencer (Master Trainer), VitalSmarts, USA
- Crucial Conversations, VitalSmarts, USA
- Crucial Confrontations, VitalSmarts, USA
- Appreciative Inquiry and Career Coaching, DOOR International, Germany
- Certification in Coaching with Coach U, USA
- Von Rohr Career Management Methodology, Switzerland
- Certified trainer for Microsoft Worldwide in Leadership, Change Management, Employee Development, Career Development and Soft Skills. Master Trainer, Worldwide
- Certified trainer for IBM’s award-winning blended learning Global Sales School Worldwide
Outils psychométriques et d'évaluation
- Point of Value, Sweden
- PROPHET (Predicative Role Profiling for High Performing Executive Teams), UK
- MBTI Step I and II, OPP, UK
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, UK
- Kenexa Employee Assessments, IBM, France
- Certified by the CRPM to deliver Arc en ciel, Switzerland
- Behaviour Style s Profile and TRACOM Social Styles
Certifications supplémentaires
- Intelligence, Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC), France
- Fundamentals, Organization and Relationship Systemic Coaching (ORSC), UK
- Practionner in Hypnotherapy, Collège Romand, Switzerland
- The Enneagram, Level I, Collège Romand, Switzerland
- One of Many (Women and Leadership)
- Leadership is Upside Down – (i4 Neuroleader), About my Brain Institut
- Introduction to Mediation, Groupement Pro Médiation, Switzerland
- Leadership is Upside Down – (i4 Neuroleader), About my Brain Institut, Australia
- Executive Health, Academy of Executive Coaching